Thursday, April 12, 2012

Favorite Day of the Week

Thursday is a GREAT day of the week!  It is my weekly version of Christmas Eve... it is the realization that Friday is about to come down the chimney and leave wonderful gifts under the tree: sleeping in, catching up on DVR, seeing friends and just being able to unwind! 

I'm always filled with motivation at both work and at home on Thursday.  Thursday is the final lap of the weekly To Do list.  I pick up the pace knowing that the 5PM Friday finish line is just around the bend.  At home, I always get motivated to do stuff whether it's cleaning for weekend visitors or packing for weekend travels.  
But it hasn't always been that way.  As a child of the 80's my favorite day of the week was Friday, thanks to to four little letters: T-G-I-F.  I'm not talking about the Thank God it's Friday acronym; I'm referring to the awesome TV line-up that kicked off every Friday night at 8:00 sharp. 

Two full hours of goodness: Joey's hilarious humor "Cut It Out", Uncle Jesse's super cool attic apartment, Steve Urkel's awesome dance, Not the Mama, and the blooming love of Corey & Topanga!    Yes, please!

Shortly after DJ Tanner went to college, Steve Urkel became Stephan (what was up with that anyway?), and Corey & Topanga fell in love, Thursday stepped up as my favorite day of the week.   It may have been the added knowledge that I was gaining as I entered the 90's or it could have been the influence of the good old boob tube.  Six Friends and the staff of County General Hospital of Chicago came into my life and I fell madly in love.  I was infatuated with Rachel's hair and I had a huge crush on Dr. John Carter. 


As the millenium came and went, Thursday continued to be my favorite day of the week.  During three and a half out of my four years at OU, Thursday was my Friday because I strategically planned no Friday classes.  Absolute brilliance!  Plus Thirsty Thursdays meant fishbowls at the Pub and Quad night at the Junction.  Just writing this post makes me miss the ladies of 15 NC, sigh. 

Now that I'm a bit older and perhaps wiser, Thursday is still my favorite day.  Who doesn't enjoy a weekly trip to Scranton?  

I might not be hanging out with my Friends at Central Perk or hanging out with my friends at The Pigskin anymore, but I love knowing that the weekend is getting here soon.  By tomorrow at this time, everywhere you look there will be a weekend, a heart and a hand to hold onto.  Chity Chi bob botta.
TGIF everyone, have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. i was born on a thursday, so they are surely great! haha KIDDING :)
    but, yes thursdays do rule!
