Monday, April 2, 2012

The Good

For those of you who don't know me well, I'm a very sensitive person.  I still recall being 4 years old and getting yelled at in K-Mart by the grumpy check-out lady (think Velda from Troop Beverly Hills) and then feeling my chin quiver uncontrollably. 
I had trouble getting rid of stuffed animals as a kid because I worried that they would be sad to leave their home.  And to this day, I cry during any commercial involving puppy dog eyes, baby faces or wedding scenes. 
Don't get me wrong, I can handle hang up after hang up when cold calling, but when it comes to people that know me I can't seem to take my heart away from the matter.

Recently my sensitive side has been on overload due to some tough (and perhaps unnecessary) feedback and it's been affecting me big time.  It may also be due to the pregnancy hormones, but it seems unfair to be down and out during such a special time in our lives... so this post is dedicated to all the good things (big & little) in our world:
  • The Bean (nickname for Baby McGee)!!  Hooray for the little one joining us in October
  • A closet full of baby hangers waiting to be filled with outfits
  • Sunny days in March
  • A cute little guy named Ryan who is about to turn 1!
  • Two cute guys in Washington, PA who taught me how to be an Aunt
  • Our new shoe organizer (hooray for no more out-of-control shoe piles)
  • The premiere of a new season of Giuliana and Bill
  • A four-day work week
  • A recent call from the OU phon-a-thon
  • A long chat with with a fellow Dragon and Bobcat
  • Words with Friends
  • Sleeping with the windows open (not tonight but it did happen about 10 days ago)
  • A new recipe for mini-pepperoni rolls
  • An OU reunion in a few weeks
  • A snuggly cat named Lex
  • Knowing that golf season is just around the corner (even if I'm only driving the cart this year)
This list doesn't even begin to touch the good things going on in our lives so it's time I say see-ya to the quivering chin!!  What good things are going on in your worlds?


  1. Erin, life is definitely a choice and I applaud you for choosing the good things! Don't let those boogers get you down - you show 'em and turn that frown upside down! Praying for you.
    PS - I was the same way as a kid....remember standing on the curb crying as I watched the garbage men haul away a doll my mom tossed out because she was split with stuffing coming out. I just knew her feelings were totally crushed.

  2. Thanks!! I guess the boogers in life are there to make you stronger even if you just want to throw them away in a tissue. Plus sometimes you learn and grow so you'll be prepared for the next booger that comes out of the snot!! Haha I may have just taken that too far but thanks for the support. :)

  3. that was too far! haha JK

    you have always been more sensitive, when Oliver (your fish) died, you walked around the house crying and saying you were a terrible mother. but that makes you YOU and the awesome person that you are! i love YOU!!!! hang in there! lots of good on the way! i promise!

  4. Hi Erin! Nothing/nobody should be saying anything to bring such a sweet gal like you down, ever! I can't imagine you doing or saying anything that would require rude or negative feedback from someone, so I hope they feel REALLY bad. And if not, I like the wadded-up tissue idea!! :)
