Monday, April 16, 2012

Growing Up...

Today has definitely been a Manic Monday!  I started my day in the US, went to Canada for a meeting, came back to the US, met the hubby for a quick bite to eat, ran errands and came home to do more work before I head to Rochester tomorrow.  (Sara, I promise I'll call you back this week!)

BUT this blog post isn't about a crazy week, it is about the best 20 minutes of the day!!!  At 7:20 tonight, we headed to our 16-week check-up (yes, our OBGYN has late hours on Monday, thank goodness).  It's hard to believe but the Bean will officially be 16 weeks this week (I'm sure I'll say this again when he's 6, 16 and 26)!  It was a short and sweet appointment but hearing our baby's heartbeat is A-Mazing!!  It is still hard to believe all of this is real, but the pitter patter of 145 beats per minute helps it to sink in a bit more. 

When we finally pulled in at home, I grabbed the mail and found a Parenting magazine.  And guess what name was on it?  Our name!  Whoa, I guess this means we are growing up.  But with a Bean on the way, it's a good thing we have a subscription teaching us what to do.  I'm quite certain we are going to need a lot more than a magazine to transform into super-responsible adults ready to care for an infant but it's a start. 

~~ Have a great week everyone!! ~~

PS  Denny and I are both certain that the Bean is a boy.  We don't have any facts to support this other than our guts feeling.    Dear Bean, if you surprise us and turn out to be a girl, Mommy & Daddy are very sorry for calling you "he."

PPS  Both this morning and tonight I looked at my phone exactly at 8:03.  Whenever I see that number it makes me feel like Grandma and Grandpa are watching over us.  I bet they were there when we heard Bean's heartbeat.  :)

1 comment:

  1. im sure they were right there with you :) i love seeing 8:03!
    you will be awesome parents! the books help, but its more hands on learning i have found ;)
